Rasisminvastainen työRasismi on henkilön etniseen tai kansallisen alkuperään, kansalaisuuteen, kieleen tai uskontoon liittyvää kiusaamista, syrjintää tai väkivaltaa. JoMoni tekee työtä rasismin ennaltaehkäisemiseksi ja auttaa ihmisiä, jotka ovat kokeneet rasismia.
Working against racismRacism comprises bullying, discrimination or violence in connection with ethnic or national origin, nationality, language or religion. JoMoni seeks to prevent racism and helps people who have experienced racism. |
There is an anti-racism group working in Joensuu. The group`s members are authorities and organizations representatives. The anti-racism group`s task is to intervene in situations where people encounter racism and discrimination as well as to support people in anti-racism work.
You can contact the anti-racism group through JoMoni staff |